Work Smarter
Use what works
Form Forward allows you to keep your data private, maintain the flexibility of a purpose built form builder, and still use the full power of Planning Center.
“Using Form Forward has been a game-changer for us! We can keep all our pastoral care forms in Formstack, but still do our follow up in Planning Center. Our staff loves the fact they only have to check Planning Center. It’s simply fantastic!“
Nic Preston – Administrative Assistant

Works with your favorite tools
Google Forms
Save time
Like Zapier but better
With limited options it can be hard to get your data where you want it. Form Forward looks at your Planning Center account to find a person before it creates a new one.
- Prevent duplicates.
- We use a combination of email, phone number, and name to find a match in Planning Center. Only if we can’t find a match do we create a new person.
- Push to workflows.
- Link your form submission to a workflow in Planning Center. We’ll automatically push the data over so you can start your follow up process.
- Include the form submission.
- If requested we’ll include the form submission in the workflow so you can see what the person submitted. Otherwise the data will stay private in your form builder.

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